Welcome to the Plura Ater Nox: Fanfiction Project.
This was inspired by a friend who challenged me to compose a historic
piece set during the 2nd World War using the characters from Fushigi Yuugi.
The idea for this was originally suggested in early and was written over a few years, ultimately being finished in 2003. It had sat unfinished for a couple of years due to writer's block. Inspiration to finish was drawn from a month long trip overseas. The experience of travelling provided an amazing opportunity to grasp the historical aspects that went into the story.
Although it's been years since the last chapter was closed, it's still one of my better projects. Stephanie, a good friend of mine from Michigan, provided me with excellent support throughout the writing process. She will forever have our eternal thanks for her inspiration and support. This was for you. Thanks for your support and feedback.
☙ Property of @maximum_bird - 2002-2016 ☙
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence.